

Using Workflow App to Track Travel Expenses

guide ios shortcuts

Apple acquired Workflow today, and Workflow is now free in the App Store! Workflow ( a powerful yet simple rule-based automation tool. One pre-built workflow is to lookup your next calendar meeting, retrieve the location if there is one, and pop up directions in Maps - all this from a single button click.

If you are new to Workflow, here is a short tutorial to use Workflow to track travel expenses.

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AssistiveTouch Customisation on iOS 9

guide ios

I, like many other iPhone users, turn on AssistiveTouch so that I don't have to press the Home button. Historically, this button has been quick to fail, so using the on-screen icon will save some wear-and-tear. And with iOS 9, AssistiveTouch has become customizable! Shocking (for Apple, not much is customizable)!

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