Stable Diffusion XL has trouble producing accurately proportioned faces when they are too small. Today, I learn to use the FaceDetailer and Detailer (SEGS) nodes in the ComfyUI-Impact-Pack to fix small, ugly faces.

About Impact-Pack

The ComfyUI-Impact-Pack adds many Custom Nodes to [ComfyUI] “to conveniently enhance images through Detector, Detailer, Upscaler, Pipe, and more.” It is created by Dr. Lt. Data, who also created the ComfyUI Manager!

This pack has so many nodes! I only tested the nodes that are required to fix faces. In order of use, and quoting from the documentation, they are:

  • UltralyticsDetectorProvider - Loads the Ultralystics model to provide SEGM_DETECTOR, BBOX_DETECTOR.
  • FaceDetailer - Easily detects faces and improves them.
  • FaceDetailer (pipe) - Easily detects faces and improves them (for multipass).
  • SAMLoader - Loads the SAM model.
  • DetailerDebug (SEGS) - Refines the image based on SEGS. Additionally, it provides the ability to monitor the cropped image and the refined image of the cropped image.
  • SEGS Filter (ordered) - This node sorts SEGS based on size and position and retrieves SEGs within a certain range.
  • SEGSPreview - Provides a preview of SEGS.

I don’t understand what is going on under the hood when it comes to AI, and I certainly don’t understand the Impact-Pack documentation!

Fortunately, the author provides many examples:

No Code-Workflow

Follow the instructions to install, or use ComfyUI Manager. In my case, I had to install subpack this way:

cd custom_nodes
git clone
cd ComfyUI-Impact-Pack
git submodule update --init --recursive

Experiment 1: Fixing Small Faces

This is the most basic workflow. I started with an image I had already created, but one can of course use SDXL to create an image on the fly. It was just faster for me to use an image I previously generated, which contained two people with faces that are too small:

ComfyUI-Impact-Pack FaceDetailer node

  • Load SDXL, encode the positive and negative prompts as usual (in blue) - I maintain the original prompt that generated the source image in the first place,
  • Add an UltralyticsDetectorProvider node to load the model (as an alternative to the MMDet model used in some examples, which is now not enabled by default),
  • Connect up the inputs to a FaceDetailer node - all inputs at this stage are quite obvious with this exception:
    • do connect the BBOX_DETECTOR output from UltralyticsDetectorProvider to FaceDetailer,
    • do not connect the SEGM_DETECTOR output from UltralyticsDetectorProvider to FaceDetailer, lest you encounter the error 'NO_SEGM_DETECTOR' object has not attribute 'detect'.
  • Configure the FaceDetailer - here, I admit I do not know what I am doing! Watch the author’s videos or check out his examples,
  • You can use the output cropped_refined to preview the replacement faces.

Conceptually, FaceDetector works a bit like what I did using CLIPSeg with SDXL in ComfyUI!

Experiment 2: Fixing Small Faces with 2-passes

Some faces are just too corrupt to fix in one pass. Enter the FaceDetailerPipe node, and below, you can certainly see some improvement to the faces:

ComfyUI-Impact-Pack FaceDetailer and FaceDetailerPipe nodes

  • Add a new FaceDetailer node after the previous FaceDetailerPipe node,
  • Wire up the detailer_pipe output to the same input of the new node,
  • Here I added another PreviewImage node to compare the cropped_refined outputs of the first and second face detailer.

Experiment 3: Accurately Fixing Small Faces with a SAM model

In the previous experiments, the model returned bounding boxes containing the located face(s).

Here, an additional Segment Anything Model (SAM) model is used to create an exact “cut out” of the faces (similar to the “remove background”), so that the replacement face does not touch the background. Without this, we sometimes get a mismatching boundary where the replacement image was generated, which is quite obviously the bounding box extent.

ComfyUI-Impact-Pack FaceDetailer with SAM model

  • Add a SAMLoader node to load the only model available, sam_vit_b_01ec64.pth - do not delete the UltralyticsDetectorProvider, as it seems like the system first uses this to locate a face, then uses SAM to crop it,
  • Wire that sam_model output to the previous FaceDetailer node’s sam_model_opt input,
  • And this time, preview the output of the crop_enhanced_alpha output as well.

At this stage, you can inspect the output and decide if you need to increase the “cut out” by increasing the bounding box sam_bbox_expansion or bbox_dilation and sam_dilation.

Experiment 4: Replacing Small Faces with a Wildcard

I am sure by now you are wondering what the Wildcard Spec text box in the FaceDetailer node is for. I think of it as a prompt specifically applied to refine the faces... which also works great for replacing faces. It accepts the ComfyUI format to randomly select a “wildcard/dynamic prompt” using e.g. {day|night}

ComfyUI-Impact-Pack FaceDetailer with wildcard

Interesting! Increasing denoise varies the faces more, but the result is often the size of the head and its angle relative to the body no longer quite line up.

I don’t know how the prompt influenced the second face, so obviously I now need to figure out how to just fix one one face without touching the other.

Experiment 5: Replace only one Small Face with a Wildcard

Alas, the FaceDetail does not allow selection of a single face. It is certainly very easy to use as it automates to much of the hard work in fixing faces!

So now we have to break the node down into more detailed steps... and the author describes something similar in his tutorial, Controlling Faces in Crowd:

ComfyUI-Impact-Pack SEGSDetailer with wildcard

  • Add an ImpactSimpleDetectorSEGS node, which takes the same bbox_detector and sam_model_opt inputs - I bumped up the bbox_dilation factor so the entire head is selected,
  • And wire up the SEGS output to an ImpactSEGSOrderedFilter node - this sorts the detected faces based on size, and returns the faces from take_start to take_count. Since I have only two faces, the face I want is either the first or the second, i.e. either in filtered_SEGS or remained_SEGS output...
  • And a SEGSPreview node will help me confirm the filtered face - in my case, I find the face I want in the filtered_SEGS output (wire this node up to the input image too),
  • Now, add a DetailerForEachDebug node, so that we can preview the replacement face - feel free to use the DetailerForEach node instead if no preview is required. Here I added a wildcard, to replace the man’s face.


Original Fixed