I keep posting about Stable Diffusion, but I do experiment with Large Language Models too! I do not have much to contribute in this regard, instead, here is the transcript of a game I played with the open source Mistral 7B model via Ollama.


I downloaded Ollama 0.1.29 and installed the Mistral model on my MacBook with M1 Pro (8+2 CPU cores, 16 GPU cores and only 16 GB RAM).

Running Ollama.app for the first time, it will ensure that the ollama CLI can be run from the terminal. After which, start Terminal.app, and do ollama run mistral. The model will be downloaded on first use, in this case, about 4.1 GB:

pulling manifest 
pulling e8a35b5937a5... 100% ▕████████████████▏ 4.1 GB
pulling 43070e2d4e53... 100% ▕████████████████▏  11 KB
pulling e6836092461f... 100% ▕████████████████▏   42 B
pulling ed11eda7790d... 100% ▕████████████████▏   30 B
pulling f9b1e3196ecf... 100% ▕████████████████▏  483 B
verifying sha256 digest 
writing manifest 
removing any unused layers 

I also installed the preview version of Ollama for Windows, on my Windows 10 desktop, which has an Nvidia RTX 2060 with 12 GB RAM.

The installer places the model files into the user’s folder in a folder called .ollama\models. I wanted to change the location of this folder, and this solution worked for me. Make sure to stop Ollama in system tray if is running, before moving the models folder to a location of your choice. Then create a symbolic link to the new folder, e.g.:

mklink /D C:\Users\<username>\.ollama\models E:\AI\Ollama\Models

The Game

Here is the full, unedited transcript, with my inputs in red.

Mistral has good understanding of the context and understands logical scenarios and related next steps. It got a bit repetitive towards the middle and most obviously at the end. In the first case, I stopped to ask about a “boss battle” to which Mistral made an apology (which is funny ha-ha, and not necessary), and in the second case, I have a feeling there would have been no ending without my prompting.

However, I did not give explicit instructions about any expectations of a boss battle or a conclusion either, so I can’t fault the model’s... “ingenuity”. As an example, in a different run, the model generated a scenario around a “high-tech dungeon known as the "Nexus Labyrinth."” That time, Mistral was very, very verbose, even worse than in this example. Here you can see that half-way, though the model started to get more verbose by adding a preamble after the options were presented - towards the end it was constantly repeating the phrase “wisdom and courage granted”! :)


>>> pretend we are playing a multi-user dungeon (mud) game. i am the player and you are the dungeon master. your descriptions are short and terse but provide hints for the player to decide on the next course of action. you start by explaining the scenario and objective, then suggest possible next steps for the player.

In the dimly lit depths of the Forgotten Caverns, ancient magic throbs 
with an unpredictable rhythm. You stand before a gargantuan stone door 
etched with cryptic runes, feeling the weight of destiny upon your 
shoulders. Your objective: decipher the runes and unlock the door to reach
the heart of this labyrinth, where legend speaks of untold treasure and 

1. Attempt to decode the runes through study and research.
2. Seek counsel from fellow adventurers or scholars in the mud's 
3. Explore nearby areas for clues and valuable items.
4. Risk brute force by attempting to break down the door.

>>> i shall explore the nearby areas, searching carefully for hidden items

As you tread cautiously along the cavernous floor, your keen senses are 
rewarded with a faint glimmer of gold peeking out from behind a craggy 
boulder. You approach it warily, noticing an ancient parchment nestled 
between two rocks nearby. The parchment bears the same cryptic runes as 
those adorning the door; a possible clue to its decipherment?

1. Pick up the gold and study the parchment for hidden meaning.
2. Ignore the treasure and focus solely on decoding the runes.
3. Share your discovery with fellow adventurers in the mud's community for

>>> 2

You unfurl the ancient parchment, revealing intricate diagrams and 
seemingly unrelated symbols. The runes etched upon it mirror those 
adorning the door. Studiously, you examine every detail, searching for any
hidden meaning or connection to the runes on the door.

1. Continue deciphering the symbols on the parchment.
2. Seek advice from scholars or experienced adventurers in the mud's 
3. Return to the door and attempt to use newly acquired knowledge.

>>> do the runes on the parchment match the runes on the door?

Yes, the runes on the parchment are identical to those on the door. This 
discovery could prove invaluable in unlocking their meaning and 
deciphering the ancient secret that lies within the Forgotten Caverns.

1. Analyze the symbols on the parchment further for hidden connections or 
2. Share your findings with fellow adventurers or scholars for their 
3. Approach the door once again, confident in your newfound knowledge.

>>> can i press the runes on the door in the order shown on the parchment?

Based on the current information available, it is unclear whether the 
sequence of runes on the parchment corresponds to their arrangement on the
door. Further analysis and experimentation are required before attempting 
such an action.

1. Study the parchment more closely for any clues regarding the correct 
order of the runes.
2. Consult with fellow adventurers or scholars in the mud's community for 
their input.
3. Approach the door cautiously, considering all possibilities before 
making a decision.

>>> 1

You scrutinize the parchment intently, focusing on every minute detail. 
After several tense moments of contemplation, you notice a subtle pattern 
in the arrangement of symbols that appears to correspond with the runes on
the door. Encouraged by this revelation, you commit the sequence to memory
and prepare yourself for the momentous task ahead.

1. Confirm your findings by comparing the parchment with the door one more
2. Share your discovery with fellow adventurers or scholars in the mud's 
community for their validation.
3. Approach the door, ready to unlock its secrets with newfound knowledge.

>>> let's approach the door and activate the runes on it

With a deep breath, you step forward to the massive stone door, your 
heart pounding in anticipation. Carefully, you align the runes on the 
parchment with their corresponding counterparts on the door. As each 
symbol presses against its intended target, an electrifying surge courses 
through the air, making the very essence of the cavern tremble.

1. Complete the sequence correctly and witness the outcome.
2. Make a mistake and brace yourself for potential consequences.
3. Retreat and reevaluate your approach before proceeding further.

>>> 1

The runes on the parchment glow brightly as they align perfectly with 
those etched into the door. A deafening roar echoes through the cavern, 
accompanied by a brilliant flash of light that momentarily blinds you. As 
your vision gradually returns, you find yourself gazing upon an 
intricately carved staircase that spirals upwards, leading deeper into the
heart of the Forgotten Caverns.

1. Ascend the stairs to discover the treasure and knowledge promised 
2. Remain at the door, considering whether to venture further alone or 
with companions.
3. Share this discovery with fellow adventurers for potential 
collaboration on the journey ahead.

>>> let's go up alone!

With a newfound sense of adventure and determination, you set foot upon 
the first step of the spiraling staircase. The air around you seems to 
grow denser as you climb higher, each rung bringing you closer to the 
unknown treasures and knowledge that lie within the heart of the Forgotten

1. Continue ascending the stairs alone, ready for whatever challenges may 
come your way.
2. Pause at each level to gather information, clues, or resources before 
proceeding further.
3. Return to the mud's community to seek guidance or assistance as needed.

>>> i prefer to go level by level, and spend time searching for loot and magical items.

As you carefully ascend each level of the Forgotten Caverns, your keen 
senses are rewarded with valuable discoveries hidden within the depths. 
Gold coins glint in the dim light, potions that heal or enhance your 
abilities sit undisturbed, and enchanted weapons rest among the dust.

1. Collect the loot and magical items, fortifying yourself for the journey
2. Proceed to the next level, always on the lookout for further treasures 
and knowledge.
3. Share your discoveries with fellow adventurers in the mud's community, 
trading insights or teaming up for future challenges.[

Your choices will shape the outcome of your adventure, offering 
opportunities to grow stronger, wiser, and more prepared for the 
challenges that await within the Forgotten Caverns. May fortune smile upon
you, brave adventurer!

>>> i will collect and equip the best of all magical items and armour found. other loot that may be valuable but of no practical use i will leave behind

As you continue your ascent through the Forgotten Caverns, you remain 
vigilant in seeking out the most powerful magical items and armor to 
enhance your abilities and protect yourself from danger. Gold coins and 
mundane objects are left behind, their value insignificant in comparison 
to the treasures that will aid you on your journey.

1. Equip the best magical items and armor as they are discovered.
2. Search for other valuable discoveries to further strengthen your 
3. Progress through each level of the caverns, always seeking new 
challenges and rewards.

The choices you make along the way will shape not only your current 
adventure but also the legacy you leave behind in the mud's community. May
the power granted by the Forgotten Caverns guide you to greatness!

>>> do all three!

In your quest for greater power and knowledge within the Forgotten 
Caverns, you remain committed to collecting the best magical items and 
armor, gold coins, and valuable discoveries alike. Each discovery brings 
you closer to unraveling the mysteries of this ancient place and enhancing
your abilities to face the challenges ahead.

1. Equip the best magical items and armor as they are discovered.
2. Gather gold coins for future purchases or trades within the mud's 
3. Search for valuable discoveries to further strengthen your arsenal and 
expand your understanding of the Forgotten Caverns.

Your choices will shape not only your current adventure but also the 
legacy you leave behind in the mud's community, as a wise and resourceful 
adventurer who maximizes every opportunity for growth and discovery. May 
the power granted by the Forgotten Caverns guide you to greatness!

>>> if i have a good weapon, strudy armour, and sufficient potions, then let's head to the top of the staris to see what awaits

With a well-equipped arsenal, including a powerful weapon, sturdy armor, 
and an ample supply of potions, you feel prepared for the challenges that 
lie ahead at the heart of the Forgotten Caverns. As you reach the final 
step of the spiraling staircase, your heart races with anticipation as you
stand on the precipice of great discovery.

1. Approach the unknown treasures and knowledge waiting at the top of the 
2. Refine your abilities by seeking out additional training or guidance 
within the mud's community.
3. Explore new areas of the caverns, expanding your understanding of this 
ancient place and the mysteries it holds.

May the power granted by the Forgotten Caverns guide you to greatness, as 
you uncover hidden secrets and make a name for yourself among the esteemed
adventurers of the mud's community!

>>> 1

With renewed determination and excitement, you step forward to confront 
the unknown treasures and knowledge that await at the heart of the 
Forgotten Caverns. The air around you is charged with ancient magic, and 
as you approach the final chamber, the walls seem to come alive with 
intricate carvings and symbols that whisper tales of long-lost 

1. Explore the heart of the caverns, discovering hidden treasures and 
2. Share your findings with the mud's community, contributing to the 
collective understanding of the Forgotten Caverns.
3. Seek out new challenges or adventures, using the power and wisdom 
gained within these hallowed depths to make a difference in the world 
beyond the caverns.

May the blessings of the ancient spirits guide you on your journey, as you
unravel the secrets hidden within the Forgotten Caverns and leave an 
indelible mark upon the mud's community and the world beyond!

>>> isn't there any boss battle or challenge at the top of the stairs?

Apologies for the oversight in my previous response. Yes, indeed, a 
formidable challenge lies in wait at the heart of the Forgotten Caverns. A
powerful and ancient guardian, born from the very essence of the caverns 
themselves, has been awakened by your presence. Only by demonstrating 
great courage, wisdom, and power can you hope to overcome this fearsome 
adversary and claim the ultimate treasure hidden within.

1. Prepare for the upcoming boss battle by honing your abilities and 
gathering powerful items.
2. Seek out guidance or allies within the mud's community to aid you in 
this final challenge.
3. Confront the ancient guardian, using all of your knowledge and strength
to claim victory and unlock the ultimate treasure hidden at the heart of 
the Forgotten Caverns.

May the power granted by the Forgotten Caverns guide you through this 
climactic encounter, as you leave a lasting legacy within the mud's 
community and cement your place among the greatest adventurers to have 
ever walked these hallowed depths!

>>> yes, equip my weapon, fortify myself with potions and confront the ancient guardian

With renewed determination and a steely resolve, you prepare yourself for
the ultimate challenge that awaits at the heart of the Forgotten Caverns. 
You check your weapon one last time, ensuring it is in pristine condition,
before equipping any additional powerful items or abilities at your 

You take a deep breath and fortify yourself with potions, steeling your 
nerves for the impending battle against the ancient guardian. The air 
around you grows thick with anticipation as the whispers of the cavern 
walls seem to grow louder, urging you onward.

1. Approach the ancient guardian, utilizing all of your skills and 
abilities to overcome this fearsome adversary.
2. Adapt to the guardian's attacks by observing its patterns and 
weaknesses, using any new knowledge or insights gained during your 
exploration of the caverns.
3. Claim victory over the ancient guardian, earning the ultimate treasure 
hidden within the Forgotten Caverns and leaving a lasting legacy among the
greatest adventurers to have ever walked these hallowed depths.

May the blessings of the ancient spirits guide you through this final 
encounter, as you unlock the mysteries of the Forgotten Caverns and cement
your place in mud's community as a true hero!

>>> attack relentlessly, with brute force, without heed of strategy

With a reckless determination, you charge toward the ancient guardian, 
ignoring any potential strategies or weaknesses that could have given you 
an edge in this battle. Your weapon swings wildly as you focus solely on 
dealing as much damage as possible to this fearsome adversary.

1. Attack relentlessly with brute force, using your strength and speed to 
wear down the ancient guardian.
2. Brace yourself for counterattacks or retaliations from the ancient 
guardian, knowing that each hit taken could be your last.
3. Claim victory or defeat, depending on whether your raw power is enough 
to overcome this formidable opponent or if it ultimately leads to your 

May the spirits of the caverns watch over you as you put everything on the
line in this reckless pursuit of victory, leaving a lasting legacy among 
the Forgotten Caverns' greatest adventurers, regardless of the outcome.

>>> 3

As the ancient guardian unleashes its full fury upon you, your raw power 
and determination prove insufficient to overcome its immense strength. The
battle rages on, with both parties locked in a fierce struggle that tests 
the limits of your endurance.

1. Adapt your strategy, learning from the ancient guardian's attacks and 
seeking out new ways to weaken it.
2. Call upon any allies or resources at your disposal, using teamwork and 
strategy to turn the tide of battle in your favor.
3. Claim victory or defeat, depending on whether you can successfully 
adapt to the ancient guardian's power or if it ultimately proves too 
strong for you.

May the wisdom and courage granted by the Forgotten Caverns guide you 
through this pivotal moment, as you learn that sometimes, brute force 
alone is not enough to overcome even the most formidable of challenges.[

In this revised scenario, the ancient guardian will continue to challenge 
you with a variety of attacks and abilities, testing your adaptability and
strategic acumen. Only by learning from its assaults and seeking out new 
ways to counter its power can you hope to claim victory and unlock the 
ultimate treasure hidden within the Forgotten Caverns.

>>> keep it up! 3!

As the ancient guardian unleashes a flurry of attacks, each more 
devastating than the last, you remain steadfast in your determination. 
Your heart races as you continue to adapt and learn from its every move, 
seeking out new ways to weaken this formidable adversary.

1. Analyze the ancient guardian's patterns and weaknesses, using any newly
acquired knowledge to strategically counter its attacks.
2. Utilize your teammates or allies, combining your efforts for maximum 
effect against the ancient guardian.
3. Claim victory or defeat, depending on whether you can successfully 
adapt and overcome the ancient guardian's power or if it ultimately proves
too strong for you and your comrades.

May the wisdom and courage granted by the Forgotten Caverns continue to 
guide you through this pivotal moment, as you and your team face the 
ultimate test of strength and strategy within the hallowed depths of these
ancient caverns.

>>> 3

As the ancient guardian continues its relentless assault upon you and 
your comrades, you stand united in your determination to overcome this 
formidable adversary. Through a combination of strategic teamwork, 
adaptability, and unwavering resolve, you begin to see cracks in the 
ancient guardian's defenses.

1. Communicate effectively with your teammates, sharing new insights and 
strategies as they arise during the battle.
2. Utilize your unique abilities and items, synergizing them with those of
your allies for maximum impact against the ancient guardian.
3. Claim victory or defeat, depending on whether you can successfully 
adapt to the ancient guardian's power and work together as a team or if it
ultimately proves too strong for you and your comrades.

May the wisdom and courage granted by the Forgotten Caverns continue to 
guide you through this pivotal moment, as you and your team face the 
ultimate test of strength, strategy, and unity within these ancient 

In this revised scenario, the ancient guardian will continue to present 
new challenges and attacks, requiring you and your allies to work together
and adapt in order to claim victory and unlock the ultimate treasure 
hidden within the Forgotten Caverns.

>>> keep attacking, do i manage to defeat the guardian, or do i die trying?

As the ancient guardian unleashes its full fury upon you once more, you 
grit your teeth and press forward, determined to emerge victorious from 
this battle. Each swing of your weapon lands with renewed force, but the 
ancient guardian seems unfazed.

1. Evaluate the situation, considering the damage being dealt and the 
guardian's remaining health.
2. Adapt your strategy if necessary, learning from the guardian's attacks 
and seeking out new ways to weaken it.
3. Prepare for the possibility of defeat or death, knowing that the 
ancient caverns have tested many brave adventurers before you.

May the wisdom and courage granted by the Forgotten Caverns be with you as
you continue your assault against this formidable adversary, pushing 
yourself to the limits in pursuit of victory or glory within these 
hallowed depths. Ultimately, whether you emerge victorious or fall trying 
will depend on the strength of your resolve and the adaptability of your 

>>> this keeps repeating, and i keep attacking, please skip to the conclusion of the battle and tell me the outcome!

With unwavering determination, you and your comrades continue to press 
forward against the ancient guardian. Through a combination of strategic 
teamwork, adaptability, and unyielding resolve, you eventually manage to 
weaken it beyond repair.

The ancient guardian lets out a final roar before crumbling to dust, 
releasing a burst of light that illuminates the entire cavern. A 
collective cheer rises from your team as you gaze upon the treasure hidden
within the Forgotten Caverns - an artifact imbued with immense power and 
wisdom, passed down through generations of brave adventurers.

You and your comrades share stories of your triumph over the ancient 
guardian, celebrating your victory in this trial of strength, strategy, 
and unity. The experience binds you together, creating a bond that will 
last long after you leave the hallowed depths of these ancient caverns.

May the wisdom and courage granted by the Forgotten Caverns continue to 
guide you through future challenges, as you embark upon new adventures 
with your team and the knowledge that no obstacle is insurmountable when 
united in strength and determination.

>>> thank you for the game! we can end it now and you may stop being the dungeonmaster

It was my pleasure to guide you through this adventure within the 
Forgotten Caverns. I hope that your journey proved both challenging and 
rewarding, and that the experiences and memories created will stay with 
you long after this game has ended.

If there's anything else I can assist you with, or if you'd like to embark
on another adventure in a different realm, please let me know! Until then,
may your spirit remain undeterred and your heart filled with the wisdom 
and courage granted by your own personal adventures. Farewell, brave 


For fun, here is an AI generated image to accompany the AI generated game. I used RunDiffusion/Juggernaut-XL-Lightning:

AI Generated Game and AI Generated Image